Top 6 Miraculous Health and Environmental Benefits of Trees

Hello Friends I am again here on steemit with a new post my this post is very special for me because this post is about Trees. We should must understand Trees are big assit of this planet which we are cutting day by day and reducing Trees day by day. In this post I will show you miraculous benefits of tree my aim of this post is to save the trees which give us better environment in which we will healthy life.
When we cut Trees than Nature becomes change and many disasters come into existence like Earthquake and Global Warming etc . In these days global warming is one of the prominent which is being occur due to cutting of Trees. There are many countries in the world in Global Warming is more than others countries this is due to low amount of Trees from required such as Pakistan and Afghanistan etc.

Top 6 Benefits of Trees

My Friends there are various Benefits of Trees but here I will show you miraculous 6 Benefits of Trees which we can get simply after growing of Trees but unfortunately our totally focus is on Technology although we should understand nature is always better for humanity so Friends let's see top 6 Benefits of Trees.

Prevent from Pollution

I think this is one of the top benefit of Trees in which Trees reduce or prevent from Pollution which is common issue in these days and due to which are getting fall in different diseases such as due to air pollution we gett flue and respiratory diseases. My dear friends if we will grow Trees instead of cutting then we will remain safe from many problems.

Keep the City cool

This is another awesome benefit of Trees. Yeah Trees keep the city cool as we know that CO² is basic need of Trees for Photosynthesis so Trees
absorb CO² which is common source of Temperature rising and when our cities will cool than we will live better because if temperature will high than we will use Air-conditioner due to AC we will get many diseases.

Trees Help People to Live better lives

Trees help people to live better and healthy lives. We often feel restful and peaceful in a grove of trees like the way we are at home. Trees help people have positive thoughts on life’s changes. Trees reduce our stress is also a good thing for our life because in this world every 2 person is in stress that may be high or low stress.

Trees Create Economic Opportunities

We can use Trees to generate income when we will grow Trees than we will get different fruits which we can sale and get some income which better than nothing so friend this is another great benefit of Trees in which Trees create economic opportunities for us and give better environment.

Prevent from ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet rays are those rays which which come from sun. Ultraviolet rays are very dangerous for us because Ultraviolet rays can damage our skin and can cause many other problems so how we can stop ultraviolet rays Friends we can stop ultraviolet rays with the help of trees. When we will grow than we will remain safe from ultraviolet rays and our environment will better

Provide Hebitat to Wildlife

We are human being and we can't live without homes and same wildlife cannot live without Trees . Trees provide foods to animals and prevent from natural disasters like earthquake and landsliding. Trees filter the air and become source of rain which is very important so we should grow trees due to their health and environmental benefits.


Regards: @ajmalaftab

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