Fiftywords: Brain Damage (Micro Fiction)

"Everyone laughed it off and thought it was okay... Was it?" Another micro fiction piece.


Salam (peace) to you all~ Here's another short story by me. Entry to the weekly #fiftywords challenge, currently run by @jayna. The prompt this time is Danger.

It's the first one I write after my Fiftywords Collection and my Tutorial, though I consider both as #fiftywords posts.

Brain Damage

We all laughed that day.

It was nothing more than a clumsy trip on the stairs.
His smile after the fall told us "It's okay."
No injury was found.

We laughed again.
Foolishly remarked on how forgetful he was since.
Unaware of the silently escalating danger.

Ignorance isn't always bliss.

[The End]

This story is inspired by true story I heard somewhere on the internet.

A Man in his forties (I believe) hit his head on a wall, he brushed it off and everyone forgot about it. Until months later when his family noticed he started to gradually forget even the simplest things. When checked with the doctor, they found that the hit affected his brain.

I don't think I read what happened to him afterwards, but it seems he never recovered.

Moral of the story: Don't hit your head-- I mean, you never know when you're going to die or have terminal illness, so enjoy your moments to the fullest.

Also, go to doctor when something like this happens,
just in case.

What do you think?

Have any thoughts about the story? The theme? Found any typo?
I'm waiting patiently for your comments.

Cover is made using Photo by Ben Pham on Unsplash.
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