
Surely they have found, as it has happened to me, with people of the world and Christians to whom we ask how things are going in their lives and answer: There we are, rowing it.

And to row life means that we took charge of the advancement and leadership of our life, and that is good for the people of the world who live without God or hope, but in no way is a response from a Christian since the Christian no longer manages his physical life, because since I gave him my life, "with Christ I am crucified together, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; and what I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me "Galatians 2:20, and I only lead my spiritual life to maintain communion with him who it gives you life in abundance and hope.

If you are a Christian, my advice is: Para to row, let God act in your life doing what He tells you, and you will see the glory of God.

Let's read the Word of God in Mark 6: 47-51 "And at nightfall, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and he alone on land. And seeing them paddle with great fatigue, because the wind was against them, near the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea, and wanted to overtake them. Seeing them walk on the sea, they thought it was a ghost, and they shouted; for all saw him, and were troubled. But immediately he spoke with them, and said to them: Have courage; I am, do not fear! And he went up to them in the boat, and the wind died down; and they were greatly astonished, and marveled. "


If you do not totally surrender your life to Christ, you become the motor and driver of your life, and in these conditions, when the wind of the problems are contrary to you, you have no choice but to row more and more to sustain yourself; The problem is that in these circumstances the future is uncertain, and the other problem is that the more you row, the more tired you will be and the less you want to move forward.

This is what distinguishes this time, and that is why when we ask them how they are doing, people answer: Rowing; it is so that those who do not really give their lives to Christ, they spend it rowing in marriage, paddle in health, row in the economy and in every area of ​​life that they choose to live as they see fit.

Rowing may touch the unbelievers, but the strange thing is that in many cases the believers maintain this type of behavior, and without the lordship of Christ in their lives they spend their lives paddling more and more, until failing; and the most serious thing is that when they begin to sink into their own sea of ​​problems they end up blaming the pastor, the leaders, and God himself for the problems they did not know how to cope with.

Who does not give his life totally to Christ, usually does not realize that the environment he has in his life is never neutral, because the people around you or favors you or harms you, drives you to seek the perfect guidance of God to do his will, or stop you in the ministry and in your spiritual life in general.

And it is true that there are environments over which we can not do anything to improve them because they themselves do not want to be corrected and change their lives, even knowing that it is the best for themselves; but it is also true that there are others in whom we can influence by preaching the truth of the gospel and that that truth makes you free from your own problems by placing your trust in the Lord.

We realize then that whatever environment we maintain in our lives, the key is to let Jesus get into the boat of our life, but letting it be He who leads and advances, receiving the necessary strength so that work in us, and as the apostle says, let's stop being us so that Christ is the Lord of our life.

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