My Actifitivity: December 19 2021



But a wise man once said: "Any day can be a #caturday!" And if he didn't actually say that, well then he wasn't really that wise!

I thought I wouldn't have much to show today, just a boring picture of a dead sunflower but then I made a new friend on my evening walk through the neighbourhood. A feline friend!

We've met before but we haven't had much interaction so far. Tonight she walked out from behind a car and greeted me with a series of short squeeky meows, eager to exchange a few hasty leg rubs against some good neck cuddles.

First she started following alongside myself as I continued walking but then she kind of took the lead, giving me occasional meows and waiting for me to follow in her direction. Past the playground and into the forest.



She was nervous and wagging her tail all the while. Occasionally letting me take the lead into the woods, then rushing ahead herself. It was almost like she wanted a buddy to accompany her for a little catventure into the nightly forest hunting grounds.



We made it about half a mile into the forest when she decided to perch up on a fallen over tree stump. I wasn't sure if she was going to catch some dinner or what and I also didn't want to just leave her by herself, sort of far away from the neighbourhood where we met. I waited for a while, watching her watching out for prey.



After a while I decided to leave her to her feline business, but as I walked away and gained some distance she suddenly started rushing to follow me again. I guess she was scared in the dark forest by herself after all.

We walked back to the playground and into the neighbourhood where we first met. But kitty didn't stop there, she followed me several blocks further all the way to grandma's place. And by all the way I mean all the way into the kitchen!



Pretty intense for a first date!

She followed me into the house without any hesitation, almost as if she had been here before.

I offered her some sausage and cheese, which she both refused. She did accept a tiny sip of milk though.

After some cuddles which were received with intense purring I tried to walk her back out and stop her from exploring the living room.

I walked her back to where we initially met and then had to swiftly shake her off around two bends, I think otherwise she would have walked all the way back with me again.


That was a very special #catventure for this #caturday on a sunday.

I interact with the local cats whenever I get a chance, I would say I am at friendly familiar terms with a bunch of them, but this was something else.


Thanks for your time!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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