How to Develop your Social Capital on Hive

How to develop your social capital on Hive.png

This series of articles about how to grow your account and to improve your activity on this blockchain would be without usefulness if I didn't speak about the most important aspect of success on Hive: Your social capital

What is your social capital on Hive?

The social capital on this blockchain is defined by several indicators that measure your level of interaction and your influence on Hive. How many followers do you have? How many people follow you? How many people read your posts? How many comments do you get? How much do you engage with people on their posts?

You can write one post after the other but you won't get much value on these posts if nobody reads and upvotes them. The social component on Hive, is the most important factor for you. We should always keep in mind that:

  • our content is destined to be read/watched by others
  • we depend on others to get upvotes on our posts

Our target should always be to increase our circle of influence and our social capital. This should be your main target here. By reaching this target, you will reach all the other goals that can be measured in monetary terms automatically.

To make your journey alone simply doesn't work and we shouldn't always expect other people to make the first step.

My role models in social capital building

When you want to check out who is the biggest whale on the platform, it is quite easy to find out but it's more difficult to find out who are the people who have built social capital on this platform. I want to present you a couple of people who have reached quite amazing things in this respect. I know many other people who have reached similar successes but I don't know them well enough to tell their stories.

He was the very first person who welcomed me on the blockchain writing a comment on my first post. This was about two years ago and we are still in regular contact. We even met once in real life. @crypto.piotr has managed to engage with many many users and has created a network around himself of hundreds of people. His project is called @project.hope and unites authors, curators and investors from all over the world. He has created this project not with money but with his social capital.

My friend Zoltan is my role model when it comes to be consistence and persevering. He has been among the best placed people in the Hive engagement league run by @abh12345 (who himself should definitely also be mentioned here). He dedicates a lot of his time reading other peoples posts and giving really meaningful comments. He also does active manual curation within the project #thisisawesome. What I specially like about him is that he manages to motivate people to progress and to improve. He motivated me to dare to stand in front of a camera ;-)

Erik Gustavson is an amazing guy. Have you heard about the #Iamalivechallenge? Well it was @flaxz who has started it and there are around 70 people that post a video every day within this challenge. I believe it is one of the most active communities on Hive at the moment. He is also one of the people who most engages and he has been featured several times in the Hive engagement league. What amazes me about Erik is that he does all his work from his smartphone and his tablet...

If you have the chance to watch one of his webinars, you will definitely feel the motivation behind this guy ;-). He has brought a community of affiliate marketers to Hive. Not only did he make the link between these two worlds, he actually took it on himself to teach the affiliate marketers everything about Hive and the blockchain. He has created his own CTP tribe and he has been featured in the Hive engagement league. His newest project is to create a swarm of Dolphins within his tribe. He has understood that in order to progress, we need to grow together.

What do these people to grow their social capital?

Contrary to the monetary side, you can't buy your social capital on Hive. It is a long and demanding journey to build your social capital and I would like to show you the things that these people do:

Show up regularly

You can't build your social capital if you are on Hive only once a week. When people write a comment, they don't want to wait 7 days to get an answer. Try to be on the blockchain almost every day.

Never leave a comment unanswered

When somebody takes the time to write a comment on your post, you absolutely need to give an answer to this comment. If you leave comments unanswered the chances are big that this person will never leave a comment again.

Grow your influence

It's not enough to work only on your own posts. In order to grow your influence on the platform your need to extend it by reading other peoples' posts and by interacting with them. Set a goal for yourself where you read 3 or 5 posts per day of other people. Give a meaningful comment and an upvote to their posts. The chances that some of these people become your followers are very high.

Be persistent

Your social capital will grow very slowly and it can seem frustrating but in the long term this will be your most precious asset on this blockchain. If you are on this blockchain for the long term, you need to be persistent and build your influence one step at a time.

Check out my other publications that are meant to help you grow your account:

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