Stacked and forgotten

I remember when I was a child what a feeling I used to have whenever I found some money in clothes that I haven't wore for a while or who knows what other places I might have "lost" small amounts of money. I never discovered fortunes or buried any, but I sure always smiled at the idea of finding ones and recently creating one. One that can't get rusty or be stolen, but it has the chance of really be worth something when opened years for now.

Ever since I discovered cryptocurrencies and the blockchain and started gathering information around them and trying to also earn fiat with them I had this one guy's idea in my head which makes a lot of sense, at least in my opinion and his. And could become my "buried little fortune". I don't remember the youtuber or wherever have I heard about it, but I will shortly tell you about it and how I am putting it into action.

The idea is that in the world of cryptocurrencies, until recent times, the older they get the more valuable they are. Something similar to vines. So this guy I talked about in the previous paragraph said very simple that the best idea to make the most out of a crypto investment( generally a minor one that doesn't challenge too much your patience) would be to buy some coins (let's say worth of $100) and simply let them "get old" in your wallet for some years. Then take them "out in the market" and squeeze their treasury value into fiat. So that's what I am doing for about two weeks...I guess. I'm making small steps towards my future buried crypto treasure. One that I am the only one having the map of it and the shovel to dig for it when the time's right.

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In order to do that I haven't sold any of my cryptos that consist my "large HODL for profit portfolio", created with my savings, so I'm still on my crypto surf board waiting to catch the next wave... or bull run. Instead I traded some Steem that I earned with my blog here into Dogecoins and stacked them onto a wallet. That's my penny worth little treasure in work, and inspired by some internet guy I don't even remember his name, that hopefully in 3-4 years from now will be worth something. If not, be it. I haven't lost anything.

Now the question that might come from you is why I haven't done that with Steem? Simple: Dogecoin is one of my favorite cryptos from the very beginning of my crypto experience, it's insanely fast with transactions(just seconds) and that's the only one(appealing to me) that I could exchange via blocktrades and sent it directly to my wallet. One that is a bit old fashioned and doesn't support to many cryptocurrencies.Currently no Steem supported unfortunately. Right now Dogecoin is worth about $0.002918 so with one Steem I can buy about 400 Doges. Now, regarding the size of the Doge treasure that I am working on, I haven't decided yet, but I think it will be something around 20,000-30,000 coins. Not much of course, but with a lot of hope in it and why not potential. Who knows how much will the Doge be worth in 4 years...cuz you know...the doge will moon.

If it will be worth let's say $1 in four years, which is pretty unrealistic, then these well stacked Dogecoins will be worth something. Or not. I still believe that in the years to come not all the coins listed on the coinmarketcap right now will survive and Doge might be one of these taken out. Or not. When it comes to my trust in the funny dog face cryptocurrency I rely mostly on its community and fast speed transactions to see it surviving through future market sorting.

Till now I have about 13,000 coins so I'm currently still working on the project, but I trust in my small steps taken towards that number. I also pushed the breaks a bit on posting, because I didn't had that much what to say, so it will get some time before the wallet will reach its Dogecoin saturation level that I settled, but I'm not in a hurry. Actually I am not hurrying anything anymore. I'm tasting more and more from that let it flow thing that I lacked my entire life.

Let it go, let it flow might be my motto for today. Weekend. Month or even years to come.

Thanks for your attention,

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