One day president my opinion

Hi friends how are you all hope all is well and healthy by the grace of the creator i am very good and healthy

We are currently gaining a lot of knowledge by working in this community as well as trying to discuss various important issues about ourselves and our family or environment, society or even the country. From here we have a lot to learn.

I sincerely thank the moderators of this comment for giving us the opportunity to express three different doctrines in three contests in one week. This is a very important issue for the President for one day

It is unbelievable that one day the President will not go to think of this because he could never have planned such a big dream which is very difficult to come true because President is not a common thing. It is a very important thing. The responsibility of the President is very important for the management

Although we live in an independent country, we have the right to express our opinions, but if I express my opinion on this platform, and if there is something good in it, it is the greatest achievement.

If I were to become president one day, the first things I would like to look at are:

The most important thing at the present time

Commodity price rate

We've been dealing with an epidemic all over the world for a while now. It's been a while since we've gotten a little calmer. Commodity prices have gone up. There are so many types it's hard to say.

Second is unemployment

Everyone knows that unemployment is a curse for any nation. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to unemployment. We have to keep in mind that many people in our country do not get jobs despite having qualifications for political problems

If the unemployment of the country is eliminated then the country will rise to the peak of development. It will be possible to achieve development very fast. Maybe that's why we have to take care

The importance of education

Education is the backbone of the nation. In order to achieve development of the country, the nation needs to be educated. 80% of our people in Bangladesh are ignorant and uneducated. We need to take care of that. It is not possible to do it very easily and the education system in the government schools is in the meantime

There are many plans for the development of the country. Roads, vehicles, clean and tidy agricultural sector, etc. If a state is established on these issues, then the country will not take long to change.

Here I have made my own comment I do not know how it happened but I have presented to you what I thought to myself so far today everyone will be fine stay healthy keep praying for me thank you so much for visiting my little blog

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