Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - We are Still celebrating Six Years Anniversary

Greetings to all Splinterlands warlocks, I am here once again, and I welcome you all to my blog as well, Today, I write to submit and share my entry to the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. This week we have a new topic that follows the theme "Celebrating Splinterlands Sixth Anniversary". I will share with you all my opinion about that. Without much ado, let us dive into the topic straight forward.

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As we continue to celebrate the Sixth Anniversary of the Splinterlands game, I would like to remind you all to have a look at the ongoing in-game tournament which comes with so many prizes at the end of the day. To check it out, you can find the link Here.

Today I would like to share some of the updates that have been done in the game since I joined the game last year. I recently had a year-old in the game so I can't speak much about the past and history of the game. Nevertheless, here are some updates I experienced when I joined. First of all, I will start with the bots banned in the game. This update was done to prevent players from battling with bots in the Modern Format of the game and it moved a lot of players to start playing in the Wild Format because there was a realization of difficulty in gameplay in the Modern Format as real players took over. There were some challenges and disadvantages of this update because the number of users was reduced especially in playing in the Modern Format.

Secondly, another update was the release and launch of the Land feature in the game. This was one of the greatest updates in the game that a large number of players were waiting for.

This brought a quite good number of players back to the game because it opened another good investment opportunity in the game where players can possess land and earn from them either through SPS harvesting, Land Research, or harvesting grains from farms.

Another great update was the introduction of the Rebellion cards which took over the Untamed Cards from the Modern Format of the game. Before the launch of the Rebellion Packs, there was a presale for more than a month which I happen to have participated in as well.

This update changed a lot of things in the game, including the addition of new rulesets and abilities, the introduction of new summoners, and also introduction of the Rebellion Conflicts.

These are some updates I can remember of in this article, probably next week, I may share more with you here in this community.

You may like to join the game, here is a link for you for easy access; https://splinterlands.com?ref=abu78. Thank you all for your time and attention, I look forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts.

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards


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