We should not be surprised that man is religious because he was created to believe, the faith of the Creator was placed when he breathed life's breath on him, when it was only a mud body without any hint of human life. If we go out to ask people if they believe in God, there is no doubt that if not all, the vast majority will answer yes, and many to justify the lack of direction of that believe will say: "Yes, I believe in God, but in my own way, "to this, Jesus calls it confusion. In no way is He saying that the heart is disturbed to believe in God, but that the disturbance occurs because that faith is not focused on the Person that corresponds.


"Do not let your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwellings; if it were not so, I would have told you; I am going to prepare a place for you. "
John 14: 1,2

"You believe in God, believe also in me", what powerful words of Christ Jesus !; it is impossible to separate them, there is no wedge in this wonderful phrase, it is a granite unit. Excludes anyone who, claiming a supposed deity, demands for himself an attention that surpasses human limits. Jesus came to give direction to the faith. The first attempt was made by God, when he made known the reason for removing from the loins of Abram a new people, which was nothing other than to make known His Name to all nations, these, highly pagan and idolatrous. People have always had trouble focusing their faith, motivated by their own ignorance, by the influence of others, or by being faithful to a custom or family tradition. I believed in God, from my heart I believed in Him, but my faith focused on the image of a crucified Christ placed on an altar, my faith was sincere, but misdirected; When I was confronted by the risen Lord, the first thing he did was to give direction to my belief, he channeled himself towards His Person, only there my faith had its reason for being.

The Word of God says in Mark 16:15: "And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," we know that the Gospel is the announcement of good news, and very good news! , "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost, but may have eternal life", John 3:16. Never again will faith in God be left without direction, placing it in what does not correspond. The Scripture says, that men ignored the existence of the true God, in spite of being evident by "means of things made", they turned their faith by their vain thoughts, "and changed the glory of the incorruptible God in the likeness of image of corruptible man, of birds, of quadrupeds and reptiles. ", Romans 1: 20-23. So, we have to absolutely return to order the faith of the man lost in Eden, remember that there, Adam and Eve enjoyed the benefits of a focused faith, the greatest benefit ?, Enjoy daily the presence of God Creator, lost by the question of Satan, the devil, "So God has said to you: Do not eat from every tree in the garden?", Prompting Eva's heart to think that she could hear another voice, and heard it, causing a disaster monumental, cosmic, eternal.

Until Jesus appears before the elect to be his disciples, those who would be anointed later to spread "to the ends of the earth" his message of salvation, telling them: "Believe in God, believe also in me", positioning in the right place or rather in the correct Person, faith.

We need today more than ever to preach Christ, because only in Him, man and woman can have a personal encounter with God; it is not possible to believe in God without Jesus Christ, it is not viable to do it, it is impossible to do it.-

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