“The Safe Space” On GoBrunch

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt disappointed, angry, sad yet, you had to keep your composure? You probably even had to force yourself to forget about all that happened to save your relationship with whoever was involved or worse of it all, you’ve never had anyone to listen to your side of the story.

Sometimes, we end up settling to be the bad guys in people’s stories just to avoid drama. What’s peace of mind when that situation keeps draining you anytime you remember? You say you are not angry yet you’re holding onto things. You always wear smiles but deep down you’re hurting. Is it about something that happened years back in high school? Were you a target to a bully? You’ve never been able to shake it off?

Is it something you vowed never to do? Sometimes we say never to certain things and we end up doing them and then immediately start having a sense of disgust towards ourselves. Maybe you had to speak back to elder in a way you never you thought you would? Or you had to use those words you promised yourself never to? Oh! You did one of your “never will I” to survive and that has made you paint a certain portrait of yourself all these years. I am here to tell you it’s not fair because you never told your side of the story.


“What will telling my side of the story to a bunch of people do anyway, why should I let it all out?” Oh, sometimes all we need is a listening ear, all we need is to let it all out to be able to let go. “What if I don’t have a story to tell?” Well, I guess you have emotions and I am not a prophetess but I know sometimes our emotions end up getting the best of us. First time is normal, second time is a mistake, no, don’t let it happen for the third time. Come learn how to not let your emotions overwhelm you or how to not drown in your overthinking.

“Where and when is this safe space happening?”
It’s happening on GoBrunch.
Okay what’s that GoBrunch thing?
GoBrunch is a virtual platform where you feel like you are in a real environment because of its setting. Even though it’s virtual, you still get to have interactions in our comfy rooms designed to make the space comfy and safe enough for you.
Date will be communicated soon.

Listen,you can’t run away from those emotions forever. Even if you have been running, for how long do you think you can keep going? Time to let it all out. Time to share your side of the story about that day you felt insecure, that day you were made to feel like the bad guy. It’s time to share that side of your story to people like you who would understand and relate to your side of the story.

Most importantly, you tell your side of the story to people who will never judge you, people who understand what it’s like to be in such situation and people who will help you take that heavy sack off your back. My name is Abena, your host for The Safe Space, A space for all!!

This is my entry for the GoBrunch X Dreemport Week 2 challenge

Thumbnail was designed on canva
Second image was generated with Meta AI

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