My one wish

My one wish


How I wish I could change to anything I wish for.
There is a saying that goes thus; if wishes were horses beggars would ride. That's just something we should know about wishes. We can wish for almost everything in life but wishes most times remain wishes.

How I wish I am a superhuman

The term superhuman refers to humans or human-like lifeforms with enhanced qualities and abilities that exceed those naturally found in humans. These qualities may be acquired through natural ability, self-actualization, or technological aids.


The term superhuman seems to make more sense to me than that of the superhero because superheroes are always in human form. So I might say a superhuman is a superhero but a superhero is not a superhuman lol 🤣. My dictionary.

What would I do if I be a superhuman

I would save the universe.

My priority should be to be able to make changes across the globe. If I am to be a superhuman I would not only helps the human world but down to the terrestrials, aquatic, and even the leaves. I would love to have the ability to listen to every voice, listen to the happy ones, listen to the cries from the weak and also come to their aid, go up the mountains, and have the birds gather around.

If I were a superhuman I would love to help the poor

We find ourselves in a world where the rich oppress the poor and make us feel bad about the way they are created. The poor are to be helped, loved, and supported just like it happens among the rich ones.
Come to think of the selfish and corrupt officials and leaders who are never ready to make peace and joy for their people, I would like to make them feel the pains and sorrow they caused upon their people

If I were a superhuman

I would always want to be at the rescue of every sudden occurrence that happens in life. To be able to rescue those people from accidents and also see through people's hearts and rescue them from emotional damage. See the oppressed ones and try to stop them from untimely death.

If I were a superhuman I would try all I can to make the world a better place… The life of a superhuman might not seem to come that easy but I would be willing to sacrifice my all.


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