The Face Covering Directives of Western Australia are Self-Contradictory - Thanks To The Media & The Politicians.

Why You Cannot Trust the Media Nor Your Political Leaders To Provide Proper Health Guidance and Why you should read the new directives with proposed changes to Local Emergency Management Laws.

I have been meaning to journal the last week or so of my life and how the State Government's hastily introduced HARD LOCKDOWN affected me. I also intended to present my research and investigations into the Face Covering Directive (introduced January 31st 2021) to show how it actually operates. I learnt a lot about this as I went through quite the rigmarole to attain my goal of being exempt via a medical exemption from mandated face-mask / face covering.

I will still do this as it's a subject that I have gained much progress within - becoming a sort of quasi-authority (probably just a voice of sanity) on it and being able to provide some basic advice and some guidance to my fellow citizens.

Today, I am able to see how valuable it is to continue along this investigative path. Yet prior to continuing on, I have to take a moment to document a prime example of contradictory "information" being shoved in the face of the public on a daily basis. When you read the article published on the 8th Feb 2021 and the abc news online article published 9th February 2021 consecutively, neither set of information presented in the articles makes sense.

They cancel each other leaving the reader unsure of what to take as correct or factual. What information they have to comply with as a new daily rule-set for reality escapes them as it appears that neither article can be correct when read in conjunction with the other.

I will highlight one example of a pure contradiction that exists herein the two articles:

ABC News Online: February 9th 2021.

"Confused about the face mask rules for Perth and Peel? This is what you need to know" +|+
  • "More than a week since the WA Government made mask wearing mandatory outside the home — most of the time — Premier Mark McGowan and Police Commissioner Chris Dawson are still being asked to clarify the rules."

  • "The Government's line is that people should use "common sense" if they are not sure."

  • "But there are grey areas where people on social media and radio have been saying the rules don't make sense or are contradictory."
    [This is ostensibly true]

  • "If you are the only person in your car and you go through a drive-though, you still have to wear a mask.

    "Masks must be worn during any interaction where a car window is down, or where there is the potential for interaction with someone who is not inside your vehicle," a government information sheet says."
    [Very Irritating that the government information sheet referred to isn't linked.]

  • "Why are masks needed in the car with housemates or family?"

    "It may not make sense to you that you can be living in the same house with family or friends and not have to wear a mask, but the second you are in a car together, suddenly you have to put one on."

    "Commissioner Dawson was asked about exactly this."

    "I know it sounds a bit anomalous," he conceded.

    "If you're all from the same house you don't have to wear them inside the house [but you do] if you all get in the car.

    "The point is, for compliance and policing purposes, how do we know everyone is from the same household?"

    "So the rule is, by law, if there is more than the driver in the car, everyone — including the driver — has to wear the mask whenever you're out in the community."

By Law?? That is Incorrect, Police Commissioner & State Emergency Co-Ordinator Dawson. February 8th 2021

"Coronavirus crisis: Roger Cook says West Aussies don’t have to wear a mask in the car with family - but should" +|+

  • "You don’t have to wear a mask while in the car with your family, Health Minister Roger Cook has said - but doing so shows your support for the public health effort."

  • “If you're driving around in the car with people from your household, again, you don't represent a risk to each other,” Mr Cook said.

  • “But you're demonstrating your commitment to the public health effort if you all wear masks.

    “But again, let that common sense be your guide.”

  • Currently you don’t have to wear a mask if you are the sole occupant of a private vehicle.

    Where there are non-members of your family in a vehicle, for example on public transport or in rideshare cars, masks must be worn. Mr Cook said that masking up made it easier for police to determine who was abiding by the rules, and who planned to break them.

    “Obviously it provides a clearer signal to police in terms of the intent of the occupants,” he said.

    [Clear as Crystal? Looks Like the Left Hand Does not Know What the Right hand is saying (Left Hand being Police Commissioner Chris Dawson / Also appointed as State Emergency Co-Ordinator and Right Hand Being State WA Health Minister Roger Cook]

I am glad I had the foresight to make myself exempt from this fucken bullshit.

It makes no sense and I continue to refuse to blindly fulfil any order regarding Public Health Directives, nor spend my sanity trying to untangle a shambolic mess of policy, directive, mandate and mainstream media packaged disinformation when I can simply...

"let that common sense be your guide"

And follow the -

"Government's line is that people should use "common sense" if they are not sure."

Until I write again, please enjoy this song by @thepholosopher +|+ @thepholosopher . It has helped me get through many frenzied rages I've had over the stupidity of humanity's overbearing debasement & fear-induced compliance

Notes & References

Face Covering Directions Published & In Effect in Western Australia as of 31st January 2021. I'm guessing that these have been amended since the two articles i've compared to each other here are presenting different sets of information than the original Face Covering Directive did.

Excellent article by @montycashmusic on the topic of Face Covering directives in Western Australia

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