Solstice- a time to reconnect to the elemental level of our existence - 7 Days Of Positivity Challenge (Day 4)

Southern Hemisphere- Winter Solstice- the shortest day and longest night of the year.
Our ancestors built fires to bring light to the place of shadows.


Northern Hemisphere- Summer Solstice- longest day and shortest night of the year.

There’s something magical about fire.
Once our ancient ancestors discovered the ability to harness it and later to make it, we have been inextricably interconnected to it.
Whenever we sit around the fire we can feel it in our cells.

The first time I did a fire walk, when I was in my early twenties, bare feet out in the bush under the full moon surrounded by trees, lashed by wind and rain, I finally felt all of the elements (fire, water, air, earth, ether) inside of me. It was a visceral experience.
Earlier that day, whilst on walkabout, I had found a wombat skull in the middle of a ring of fly agaric magic mushrooms.

In the firewalk ceremony, I placed the wombat skull as an offering into the flames to dissolve all the pain my little sister had recently endured through a horrid experience that nobody should have to go through and also transmute the stagnant energy in my life that was trapped inside of me into potent flowing energy.

I was instructed to focus all of the fire inside of me into my feet. Imagine my feet were the hot red coals.
From being a black-belt in karate I knew that I could shut out the pain from my mind, but figured that I would have third degree burns on my feet. I mean, the fire pit was ridiculously long and very thick with red hot coals.

Walking through the red hot coals was an incredible experience. It’s indescribable.
I felt my feet had, in fact, turned into the fire element. It was warming and exhilarating.

When I reached the other side I felt the rush of dopamine and oxytocin rush through my cells.
I was ecstatic!
More ecstatic than any ingested substance could imbibe me with.

When I checked my feet there were no burns. No sign of anything unusual at all. No damage, no blisters, no burns. Nothing.
I was naturally blown away.
I mean, it made no sense to my logical mind.
The only explanation I have for it is that we can, at will, access the elements that are intrinsically a part of what makes our human body, and focus them to do things.

Either way, the human body is a miraculous thing!

I’m going to have to talk further on this topic of mind over matter in another post, or this will become an entire book. Lol!

Anyway, I am grateful for the dynamic elemental forces that make up what our meat suit is made from that we get to walk around in every day.
Indigenous people knew this intimately.

Ok, so I was nominated by fellow Helpienaut @maverickinvictus to do this wonderful 7 days of positivity challenge.

It's basically finding at least one thing to be grateful about each day and sharing it with you!
That's friggin' awesome and right up my alley!

TODAY! Wednesday 21st of June!

What am I thankful for?


Nomination time!!!

For my nominations, I choose @clayboyn, @omitaylor, and @pechichemena!

You've all been tagged! You're it!
Image result for tag you're it gif

And now, here you’ll find the rules for being part of this challenge!
• Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
• Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
• Mention three people who you'd like to see do this challenge.
• Tag it with #positivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
• Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible).

Please make sure you vote for @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @aggroed, @curie as witnesses here: These beautiful beings do lotsa good.

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