Positivity Breeds Positivity Challenge Day 4: Planning


GOOD MORNING YOU POSITIVE PEOPLE!!! What is on the agenda for today? It's the last Friday of summer before teachers go back to work so I want to relax as much as I can. That is the plan for today...BE POSITIVE...DO SOMETHING POSITIVE....EAT DINNER.

One positive thing that many people forget to do it to make a plan.
Set a goal.
Write it down.
Stick to it!

Planning helps in so many ways. As the school year approaches, I foresee the next two weeks are going to be filled with planning. A lot of people say that it's the teachers that are what's wrong with the education system. I disagree. Real teachers like me(yes, I recognize there are bad teachers), we spend a lot of time planning what is going to happen in our classes every minute of every day.

When I am planning, I make plans that will end with the most positive result. Seating charts take planning, even they are often revised. What arrangement of seating will make my room a positive one. Do I want rows, groups, pods, in the round, or just scattered?

Daily lessons and activities take planning. What activities or lessons will produce the most positive results? Are we doing real work that will produce positive learning, or are we just doing busy work? (In schools, busy work is a waste of time.)

What in your life takes planning? What do you think about when you make your plans? When you sit down to make your plans for the day, the week, the month, heck- the next five years, have a positive attitude and make sure that you plan for a positive outcome.

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