The Positive Side Of Our Challenges

Started the day having to write a letter to my landlord that rent was going to be late. He is my long term friend and all around great guy and I did not like putting him in this position.Yet again. Something I see many others struggling with. Turns out Victoria has the second highest cost of living in Canada Vancouver first and yes Toronto after Victoria.With Victoria being a popular place to live work retire or go to school, so does the dramatic increase in the cost of living. The average one bedroom apartment now in Victoria is 11-1350$ a I remember paying 450$ not that long ago. Okay now I am getting to the main story line. When I started work I had a wonderful conversation with this man.He shared with me that he has Epilepsy so he doesn't have to work and he feels his Epilepsy has given him this profound appreciation of both his free time but just how wonderful life can be. So I started to share with him that I use to work a lot with individuals that has severe disabilities and that they were some of the happiest individuals that I have ever met. I was also fascinated by this considering what they had to deal with daily sometimes just to get out of bed. He acknowledged what I was saying and understood that it is what we are most challenged by that gives us our sense of self and internal happiness and enlightenment that seems to come from meeting these challenges head on. Like I am doing with my finances and my debt and then I came to the realization as my day progressed. As I tackle my various challenges that I am faced with. As I make shifts toward the life that I want. I came to the conclusion that what my financial challenges and debt have given me is strong sense of humility and great deal of compassion for all the others that are struggling or have less than I have.I do find that Ironic that it is often our greatest challenges where we grow as people and in our attempt to be a better human. We become more enlightened.💖🙏

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