Positive Sunday Contest entry: Community Serving Contest and Random Acts of kindness

I've created this post as an entry into the #positivesunday contest hosted by @poeticsnake as a written example of positivity. I love the concept behind the contest. Staying positive is easier said then done, it requires a committed intent to stay positive.

The photo was provided by @poeticsnake for use in this contest. :)

I've learned from experience, that participating in contest offers minnows like myself a chance to interact with different communities within the steemit community as a whole. Really great contest not only inspire the participants and the creators, but even those who simply read and support it. The best way to get 100% benefit out of contest is to be fully engaged in the contest, supporting the people hosting it and it's participants.

I've been a member of steemit for 59 days, and I love it. Positivity is one of the pillars of the steemit community. I've seen many wonderful attempts at serving the community through contest.

The first example I witnessed of a great contest, was one designed to help steemians achieve their individual purpose by offering exposure and the potential funding needed to assist in their individual goals. It was hosted by @greenacrehome, and the positivity contained in the initial contest post infected all who read it. It was a great attempt and the energy behind the contest rumbled like a rocket getting ready for take off. Though the contest was unable to reach the funding imagined in the dream of its creator. The positive influence it provided was undeniable.

A second contest I was blessed enough to stumble across was a simple poetry contest, hosted by @hopehuggs that inspired me to write, and earned me a couple sbd that I used to promote my entry into the next contest. That would change everything for me on steemit.

The third and my personal favorite was the #whereintheworldisgoldmoney contest. It was fueled by ten extremely generous guaranteed prizes, and an opportunity to qualify for smaller prizes if you met the criteria. This contest was hosted by @goldmatters who proved to be not only a man of his word, but to possess a level of generosity that blessed people all around the world.

Currently I've entered the #dctchallenge contest where participants are encouraged to create a post that best describes the current topic. This month the topic was Love. You can check out the contest @ https://steemit.com/dctchallenge/@ chiefmappster/dreams-come-true-challenge-adds-voiceshare-as-partner

This contest inspired me and reminded me of the fun of initiating random acts of kindness. I find that when I'm struggling with staying positive. The easiest way to realign myself is to do something nice for someone else. Strangers are fun because they have no idea why your helping them, and it's fun to see them drop their skepticism and show gratitude once they realize you want nothing from them. It is true that occasionally the stranger is apathetic to your gesture, but that's rare and you still receive an increased level of positivity from completing the act.

I found great benefits in supporting community contest. The rewards for supporting others goes far beyond the potential prize. I recently created a post nominating a post for a contest. The post was created by a new steemian I'd never interacted with before. His post was simple, and he created it simply to fulfill his commitment to post something new. Usually this type of post would go unseen by the community. It was clear that the creator did not expect anything to come from it. Yet I thought wouldn't he be dumbfounded if the next time he checked on his post he discovered its payout to be at a number he'd never dream of achieving. So I used a few bots on his post, then entered it into the contest hoping someone else would show it some love. As of this writing, I don't believe he's checked on his post. Yet the positivity that I get imagining his reaction has been enough to bless my own spirit. Here's the post I created hoping to entice others to join me in a random act of kindness


I know at least one person reading this will at least Upvote his post. This is why I continue to share it. I've seen a lot of wonderful a attempts to help others, fall short because of exposure. I understand that this really isn't anything world changing, it's just a silly attempt to show a random member of this community love merely because steemit gives me a platform to do so.
Here's the link to the post I choose as the receiver of my random act of kindness.


I don't know if the owner of that post will discovery my Ludacris attempt at showing him love, I'm definitely not telling him. Yet I am watching his post hoping it hits a rediculously unexpected number. So I can imagine his reaction and bewilderment.
Please join me, click on his link comment, resteem or upvote whatever you choose. Appease a silly dreamer, I think a little silliness is healthy for the soul.

Thanks for sharing with me. Please support the #positivesunday contest, the #dctchallenge and others like it.
God bless. :)

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