Positive Vibes Daily Challenge Hope Friday: A Test of Hope


Flashback Dec. 2014 - I got married May 2014 and by December, my wife and I decided we wanted to have a baby. We tried but to no avail. We could feel the pressure from our friends, our family since we both came from big extended families. We were getting hopeless. Then, we decided to do everything we can so my wife can conceive. I cut on alcohol, sodas, went to bed early, and my wife did yoga. Then, we said we did what we have to do, what we can do now is hope. It took us two testful years.

Fast forward May 2016 - Our son, Jacob was born. Lesson of the story, just do what you have to do and leave it all to prayers and hope. Never ever lose hope. As the old adage would have it - hope..springs eternal.

Much love,

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