Tips For Overcoming Fear

The only competitor we really have, it's our own fear!

F= false
E= evidence
A= appearing
R= real

Few tips to help you overcome the fear :

  1. Fear feeds on action, so just do something. Anything!

  2. Fear also feeds on indecision! You gotta let go of that old belief that you cannot choose until you are 100% sure of the outcome. Just make a choice!

  3. Fear feeds on the unknown. Imagine that you are going to experience the worst thing, but also decide what are you going to do if that happens.

  4. Fear feeds on feelings of unworthiness . Now close your eyes and imagine that you are experience the best thing! Feel it!

  5. Fear feeds on feelings of impossibility . Instead of "This cannot be possible" say " Anything is possible" .

  6. Fear feeds on negativity. Instead of "I cannot" say "I can!" or "Why not? " .

  7. Fear feeds on lies. Seek for truth instead of hiding from facts.

  8. Fear feeds on suffocation , so instead of holding your breath, take is some air.

  9. Fear feeds on perfectionism . Don't pretend that you won;t make any mistakes, just embrace them instead.

  10. Fear feeds on waiting for the right time . Waiting for the marathon tomorrow might make you loose it, take a step today instead.

[Inspiration : In the positive zone]

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