If You Are Happy And You Know it Clap Your Hands: Clap Clap

My name is Franny Knight. @stellabelle was my inspiration to join. I am a Social Change teacher, investigator/researcher and instigator. I love seeing things from a different perspective than the normal way of seeing things and I like to help others see it differently too, especially if it helps them to live happier lives. I have strived to be authentic my whole life and have done well with that. I never could work a normal 9 to 5, but never quite had enough cash to do the Entrepreneur, Own My Own Business Route - but I have tried many times.

I am a student and practitioner of The Law of Attraction and A Course In Miracles (which is pretty close to Buddhism). I believe what you think about is what you get especially if you have positive emotions behind the thoughts. I am the Queen of turning Lemons into Lemonade. I have a Master's Degree in Psychology, PH.D. Course work in Women's Spirituality from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.

I currently make my living as a Realtor in Kansas City MO. I have 2.25 Dogs, Dexter, Ruby and SnoopDog who I walk in nature every day - my spirituality and centeredness. I am married to a brilliant and loyal man.

I just opened up The Vortex Training Center where Anything is Possible. And currently Stellabell is teaching about Digital Currency and Steemit. Many more like topics to be taught and groups to be formed on democratizing money and society. I hope to show people there are different ways to bring forth one's authentic self, passions and dreams while living a very comfortable life.



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