Impulsive Response and Social Media

For those not in the know, there have been a few "trending" stories flying around social media about a well known musician and one other who were accused of some pretty serious things at concerts, but I find myself looking at a distance of all the crossfire that has ensued just shaking my head. I find myself thinking of an opinionated review of the situation Datsik is involved in. Then I remember that I never knew him, met him, or was never privy to any of the individual incidences. Therefore, the only respectable position to hold is I don't know what I'm talking about and maybe the proper channels are better equipped to handle allegations that large, not some b-list dj in another genre. That if I had an opinion, it isn't worth literally anything and achieves nothing but me putting myself in the camp that defends a stranger as innocent by calling girls that may have been hurt liars or saying they're right and said stranger is a criminal based off the highly reliable news source that is social media. No thanks. Maybe this qualifies as an opinion, but I instead thought it was best if I just turned on my studio equipment, made some music and allowed the people who are qualified to handle and are actually involved to do what they do. Nothing wrong with saying "I don't know" rather than jumping on a bandwagon to defend or demonize a total stranger who is trending on my timeline.

The impulsive, quick to judge and witch hunt behavior of social media and the internet at large is kind of disappointing. It seems that it once something occurs, everyone wants to weigh in with commentary and breaking news style posts rather than admit they have zero clue what's going on. It is the unfortunate side of human beings that they tend to enjoy tragedy and misfortunes of others as a form of entertainment to break the monotony of the day rather than pick up a video game or go outside. Social media has us under the same illusion the mainstream media does. Making us think negativity, drama, and conflict are always as close as our back yards when really these are strangers going through their own paces in lives that we can't possibly know the intricacies of their situations. I think we all need to be honest and upfront that most of us aren't qualified to handle evidence in these cases, and even if we are, we aren't assigned to them obviously, so therefore the most honest position would be that of distant empathy /if/ there were victims involved. But also be completely willing to have that thrown out the window if the person being accused was suffered an injustice and wrongfully demonized for something that never happened. People are far too quick to try on their shoes as low budget news anchors, but few are willing to be unknown agents of positive change.

Now, with that being said, go create, make art, music, poetry, whatever interests you. Your time is much better spent making something that has a positive effect and acts as a counter measure to drama and conflict that perpetually keeping it in the loop and stirring it with a stick. The latter achieves absolutely nothing. It's useless. Lets all chip in and create the world we'd rather have.

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