Reminder: You can claim and earn Zing with your POSH tokens

I noticed quite a few accounts who hold POSH aren't claiming any Zing so figured I'd make a quick post letting people know that they're missing out on it. Will also take some time to tag them in a comment once I find the time to properly go through the list.

We'd want as many as possible who have earned/bought and held POSH for this long to take advantage of this opportunity to earn Zing along with others and primarily the POSH account and the POSH it holds that is has bought back from the market.

The more the merrier and fairer distribution of Zing!

What you need to do to earn Zing:

If you hold POSH tokens, you simply need to login to with keychain once and you'll be registered.

From then on you'll be able to claim Zing rewards on an hourly basis.


Keep in mind that if your POSH balance changes (by buying more, selling some or transferring to other accounts) it will update the amount you can claim on an hourly basis. Think of it like an hourly snapshot that checks your POSH balance along with Hive Power delegation to @zingtoken and staked amount of Zing on your account.

We wanted to reward people who are active on Hive, that was the reason for the need to register once compared to just letting people register and claim past rewards whenever. Our announcement post was trending for a couple days but we understand there's a lot going on here so some may have missed it even though they're around and active, thus this reminder.

I'll try tag some I notice haven't claimed any Zing yet but hold a considerable amount of POSH (after some sleep :P), feel free to poke them and help out if you're bored!

Of course this is just a temporary APR % but maybe it'll convince them to check it out as there's nothing to lose by doing so!


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