Social Wallet - WIRE Airdrop Event & Reward for Steem Users (Day 22)

Social Wallet - WIRE Airdrop Event & Reward for Steem Users (Day 22)

This is a @babelfish translation of Social Wallet - Airdrop & Bounty Event for Steem Users (Day 22) to portuguese authorized by @socialwallet
Social Wallet - Airdrop & Reward Event (Day 22)

Social Wallet: O Futuro das Transações de Criptomoeda nas Mídias Sociais
A Social Wallet is a platform of primeiro lançamento no market projetada to allow the criptomoeda is sent easily, quickly and safely, or that is more important, universally, in relation to the infra-structure of the existing social network of work. Nenhuma configuração prévia é necessária destinatário hair, nem qualquer conhecimento avançado da transação em si.

O Social Wallet allows individuals to send criptomoedas directly to the platform, through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email and User-to-User na platform. During the first fiscal year, we will have 14 days and 20 major integrated social networks. A user interface is projected to be sophisticated for a blockchain specialist, simpler or sufficient for a beginner to be able to navigate immediately on the platform. Or usuário não precise to understand blockchain, wallets or lidar com endereços longos - tudo é simplified.

Or AirDrop e Bounty da Wire-Steem program
A Social Wallet sees Steemit as an unparalleled platform to reach social media users who are familiar with and integrated into what will be an even greater ecosystem.

As you may know, a Social Wallet fez um announce that he would be making Airdrop for the users of Steem. We are now ready to honor this announcement and would like to explain how the Airdrop and Bounty system works.

We will be monitoring all the votes daqui até or final da promoção, using or site:

Or trace and precise muito. We will be using Steemd for our calculations, puxando or upvote value for this promotion. Abaixo is a capture of cloth Steemd from a previous post of nosso showing the excrete details of two individual upvotes.

To verify the statistic and to see your inclusio no WIRE, click on link abaixo to see our plan of Airdrop / reward WIRE abaixo:

No moment, we are working on a final plan, which will be published shortly, but here is a demonstration of work that has been completed for this purpose:
From agora to 31 of May, we go to post once a day. As mesmas instruções, users of Steem that seguem essas instruções receberão tokens of WIRE with base criteria described abaixo:
O Rewards Program (For Baleias, Golfinhos e Minnows)
1.) We create a program to calculate or value of the upvote, convert it to a value of USD $, to account for each of the upvotes that this day-to-day postponement receves from raising a link to a plan for a plan. acompanhar seu próprio progresso! (Planilha will be ready in a few days)

2.) Users of Steem that fizerem upvote desses posts will be compensated in WIRE no value of 1: 1 USD. Therefore, you will receive a USD $ 0.60 upvote, you will receive 4 WIRE @ $ .15! Você pode fazer isso all days até or term of event! We will be daring or preço de todos os seus descontos aos preços da Steem & SBD on 31 de maio para os calculaciones finais. Isso dá ao preço do Steem a chance to melhor of preço e ganhar mais WIRE!

3.) We make this system simple as a goal to allow the Steemians to basically buy WIRE sem to spend dinheiro!

O Airdrop Reverso do Steem (For Minnows, golfinhos e baleias)
As you know, airdrops traditionally não têm been muito fair for minor investors. We decided to move isso! A Social Wallet is a big focus of social mobilization, for isso we think it would be suitable to make a reverse Airdrop instead of a traditional one. Isso means that we do not have airdrop essentially for the little ones.

We will go fazer um reverse airdrop of 100k WIRE for Steemians that upvote or post original em inglês all will be rewarded, but those as less upvote a higher percentage of airdrop livre! Nós invertemos os cabeça numbers to baixo, então small votes results in big amounts of WIRE!

1.) Minnows, Dolphins and Whales devem to give upvote not original post in English to receber a proportional amount of WIRE of the reverse side of the Social Wallet. Isso étimo for Minnows !!!
It is called a baleia Steem não desespere! Tenha em mind that great Steem ganham 2-way cones. Eles ganham WIRE do seu upvote, eles recebem alocação WIRE in the form of a free airdrop!

We will be using mesma planilha mentioned acima to allocate or Airdrop Reverso. (Planilha will be ready in a few days)

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