Photo Bio #15 - My First Band Shoot

In 2008 my friends created a one song experimental band called ‘Pizza Box Graffiti’. It was more of a joke than anything but in one day they recorded their first hip hop song, and we all did a photoshoot. The band consisted of Devin McPhee and Karlis Wilde, and here are some of the shots from our for lack of a better term, press kit.

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We shot in one of the most overused locations in London Ontario, a graffiti alley downtown on Dundas Street. We brought 2 instruments for the guys to pose with.

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Interestingly this was my first band shoot, one of many to come.

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Thanks for reading my latest Photo Bio! Here is a list of all the Photo Bio’s to date:
Photo Bio #13 - Photo Bio #14 - Best Shots From My First Year Of College In 2008
Photo Bio #13 - My First Nude Photoshoot(s) Shot Circa 2008
Photo Bio #12 - Ceramic Art, Anniversary, And A Drone
Photo Bio #11 - Hobbit Hole Love Story & 5yr Anniversary
Photo Bio #10 - Concert Photographer Evolution
Photo Bio #9 - Out With The Old And In With The New
Photo Bio #8 - First Glam Shoot With Tina...and Friends?
Photo Bio #7 - An Alien Utopia to Photograph In Your Own Backyard!
Photo Bio #6 - How To Create A Twin In Photoshop
Photo Bio #5 - Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas Study
Photo Bio #4 - I Almost Became A Pilot!
Photo Bio #3 - Everyone Found Out I Was Different, But...Being Different Is Good!
Photo Bio #2 - Fresh Perspective
Photo Bio #1 - ...My Parents, Construction Machinery, and Dinosaurs...

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