Milk bath shoot


I was planning to get a model in a milk bath for some time but I had a lot of question about how to get started.

Where will I find a suitable bath and bathroom to setup this shot. My bathroom is way to small and I would not be able to take the shots I wanted to because of this.

Is the bath actually filled with milk or how much milk do I need to add to get a milky look?

How should the lighting conditions be, as a natural light photographer, setting up the studio lights in a bathroom might prove to be challenging.


Having decided that my bathroom was simply not going to be good enough, I started looking for a hotel or B&B with a nice, practical bathroom. I was amazed about the prices they were asking, especially when I told them what I was planning to do. I knew that I would probably need a couple of tries before I would get to the result I was looking for.
Knowing that I would have to adjust my lights several times, perhaps even buy some new light modifiers to get to the result I wanted.

Taking all this in consideration I decided not to go for the milk bath shoot, it would turn out to be to expensive to get this one shot. I buried the idea, but somewhere deep inside the idea kept smoldering.

And then one day when I was searching this second hand website for some stuff that I don't even remember anymore,
I stumbled on this large bathtub, big enough to fit three people next to each other. I knew that I had found the answer to all my questions. I bought the bath, it was cheaper then renting a b&b once. I put it in the garden, used natural light, so I did not have to buy any extra light modifiers. And I was ready to go.

The only remaining question was how much milk do I need to put in the bath. I just experimented a bit with it and it turned out that 12 liters of milk for my size of bathtub was plenty enough.

I got the models in my garden on a sunny day and we were ready to go. It turned out that it was way to sunny so I ended up putting a party tent over the bath to get some diffuse light.


I was quite happy with the end result. The big plus was that I ended up using this same setup on a number of occasions and it only costs me the price of 12 liters of milk to pull it off.






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