Real Heroes Don't Wear Capes

This is a quick story about the security guard at the office I used to work at. His name was Jay. Everyday at 9am I think about him. That's when I would walk through the lobby doors and see him sitting behind his desk reading his paper. He would look up with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning Mr. Walker! Have a wonderful day!"

"You too man." I'd reply

something weird would happen - all my stress from fighting through traffic and anxiety about having to spend another day stuck in an office would immediately disaapear. Yes this elderly Indian man soothed me. There I said it.

I looked forward to his good morning and on days he wasn't there I felt like something as missing. I soon caught him doing the same thing for tons of people even in their native language. He could speak 7 fluently and knew basic pleasantries in more than a bakers dozen.

I started to think these people must look forward to it as well. Some times I'd seen one of them in the elevator right after hearing Jay say hello in Italian or something they looked happy. A glow about them. They would shake Thiers heads and chuckle - but I could see the worries melt away.

On my lunches I would pop in and check on him - bring him coffee or food. he really like biscotti from Starbucks. One day I asked him if he liked working at his age.

"I love it. It keeps me alive. I've got 3 grand children and 3 part time jobs. All the money I make goes into individual savings accounts for them."

Could this guy be any more awesome? Yeah he can.

About a month later - think it was November - I was outside having a smoke - there's this homeless man pacing next to the road - I paid him no mind because in the area that was common. I had just tossed my smoke when Jay snuck out the doors and stopped the homeless man just as he tried jumping infront of a transport truck. Jay pulled him into a bear hug and just wouldn't let go.

"Today's not your day"

" How do you know."

"Because Jay's got you."

Jay continued to hold the guy until an ambulance arrived - maybe 20 minutes.

Sometimes at lunch I'd go take pics on the street. This one day he caught me as I was coming through the lobby and headed back up to work camera in hand.

"Mr. Walker!"

" Mr. JAY!"

" Can I ask you for a favor?"

" Of course!"

"Could you take my picture so I can give copies to my grandkids at Christmas."

"Sure thing I'd love to. Let's go outside."

"Why? This is home." He answered, as he spun around in his chair giggling.


It's been a little over a year since I left that job and everyday since I think about him at around 9 am - sometimes even hear him.

"Good morning Mr. Walker."

So to you I say, Good Morning fellow Steemian! Make the most of it. Smile and spread some love. Tell a stranger to have a great day. Be a little bit like Jay. Make people forget and smile.

All the best.


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