Portrait Contest Week 7 - Music: Technocafé DJ's

This is an image of two friends of mine djing an underground techno party called Technocafé. I added a second image for a little bit of perspective on the overall scene.
Both images were taken on a Bronica ETRsi medium format camera using Portra 160 NC film, expired since 2009. The lens in use is a 75mm Zenzanon EII f/2.8.
The images were scanned from negatives using a digital camera, with synchronised flash as a backlight and then converted to positive in Adobe Lightroom.

portrait challenge technocafe 1.jpg

portrait challenge technocafe 2.jpg

This is my personal work and property. It may be freely reproduced, so long as I receive credit as the source.

Visit @gentbynature if you want to see more, particularly if you are interested in film photography.

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