Why Porn is bad? Short and Scientifically Explained

When our brain developed the most recent structures in the Paleolithic era reproduction opportunities were rare, therefore we are hardwired to:

  • Development of strategies to maximize reproduction
  • Sexual satiation due to decline in dopamine when sex with the same partner (“coolageeffect”)

Internet porn takes advantage of this programming

  • Instant supply of new mates keeps attention for hours 
  • After a massive dopamine release (porn) everything that let up to getting there is written into memory 
  • Development of strong triggers, brain gets used to high d. levels “receptors downregulation” 
  • Symptoms of addiction, more dopamine is necessary to create motivation 

   + Plastic changes in the brain (dopamine is the door to addiction opened with substances or behaviors)

Step I: releases when you get a new or unexpected reward (you learn what behavior got u the reward)

Step II: when you recognize that you are in a situation where a particular behavior can get you a reward   (motivation to do the behavior)

General Symptoms and consequences: less self control, ED or decreased libido, very high cue-induced reactivity in the reward center, greater cravings but less satisfaction from porn, social anxiety, inability to concentrate, restlessness, anxiety and brain fog

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