Walmart is awful with shipping and in store returns for items purchased online.

Ever since the End game store exclusive Pops dropped. Two have been nearly impossible to get. Walmart Ronin and Rocket.
When I got a restock notification I jumped on it instantly and ordered two of each. They arrived completely damaged and its been a process explaining to the employee that yes the actual figure is fine but the boxes are destroyed. After 30 minutes of explaining to the employee that alot of collectors care about box condition they offered a refund for the cost of the 4 Pops but not for the $15 in shipping. Now almost 2 hours later a Walmart employee and myself are on the phone with the 1 800 number trying to explain the issue. This is the last time I'll ever order anything online from Walmart. As a major corporation they should be issuing full refund including shipping. Not offering me a gift card for the cost of shipping. Rant over. Screw Walmart. 20190423_140338.jpg20190422_140551.jpg

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