PopContest : Breaking Free, Becoming an Ex-convict to failure

We all must have one time in our lives, in one way or the other, experienced failure, even though we don't plan for it. So we all know what to fail seems like. How vexing it could be, the regrets that come with it, the "Had I known", the " I Would Have", and many other ways we look back and reminisce on our mistakes that led to us not succeeding .
Now failure, though it may sound negative, is a pathway to achieving our goals more efficiently when utilised properly. But do not quote me wrong here, I do not mean that we should attempt to fail at every first instance, but if eventually we do fail to achieve our goal, we should learn from our mistakes, investigate on the reason why we weren't successful. When this is done, take a new approach that covers all the loopholes from the first or previous attempt, even as you do this, different ideas come streaming in your mind.
Some of us have become captives to failure, always lacking success in all our endeavours, so we just surrender to our failures. Well I say you shouldn't, because with life comes hope. I say this because I have been down that path before. But I didn't surrender, I worked hard, stocked to some ethics that guided me until I broke free from the shackles of failure. These ethics I want to share with you all;

  1. SETTING A GOAL: as someone who wants and is ready to be successful, the first and foremost thing to do is to set a goal. Ask yourself "what do I want? " It should be a goal worth achieving in the sense that it must be of value to both yourself and the community. When your goal has been set, you now have a destination.

  2. HAVING A GAME-PLAN: since now you know your destination, the next step is having a game-plan on how to reach there. Here the question is "How do I go about my executions to achieve this goal? " . Here you should do well to exploit different available means . This is where you work hard the most.

  3. FOCUS: now you have set up different plans on how to go about achieving your goal, so now you stay focused on reaching that goal. Keep a steady pace towards your destination, there should be no room for slacking. There will be obstacles , so never you expect success on a platter of gold, because life has never been a bed of roses or sunflowers..

  4. ACCOUNTABILITY: you must be accountable for all your actions. Never think of blaming someone else for anything that goes wrong. Time spent blaming another person should be spent instead on correcting your mistakes.

    These ethics have helped me overcome different obstacles that block my path to success. Now I am free from failure. Not to say that I am a 100% successful person, but i utilise my failures to achieve my goals, you too can do the same. breaking-chains-illustration-id506663008.jpghttp://media.istockphoto.com/illustrations/breaking-chains-illustration-id506663008

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