Raise yourself up to more than you think you can be

This is my entry to the 'positivity contest' being conducted by @karenmckersie .If you are willing to participate,Read it - https://goo.gl/m2fuLd

This is for the first time that I ever participate in a contest after joining the Steemit.Not that I haven't heard about steemit contests before,but I couldn't find one that apts my interest.This one,I can write from the bottom of my heart!

The topic and the talk is about ' Positivity'.Positivity is regarded as something that will do good for you as opposed to the 'Negativity' that is supposed to do whatever bad that is possible..When someone hear the word positivity they are sure about some rants related to Success stories coming on it's way as usual..I would like to be slightly different here.I would like to take your attention to a recent incident that happened near to my place.

A 17 year old young girl whose name I would like to keep anonymous.She was a bright student with great ambition in her life.She was such a lovely girl that everyone liked her so much.She was studying in 12th grade and that means the end of her schooling here in India.

She wanted to become a doctor..So,she put 100℅ of herself into studies.She studied day and night..She wouldn't even participate in family functions owing to her studies.

Public exams approached.She indulged in the studies even better..She wrote exams and successfully,as per her expectations, got 1180+ score out of 1200! It was an achievement. Her parents were very proud of their only daughter..Felicitation ceremonies were held in the locality to laud her.The young girl was very happy to see the things happening on her way!

In india,medical education is very costly and only few seats are available.The marks you scored in 12th grade wont suffice to get an admission into MBBS..Here is an entrance exam called NEET wherin you have to compete with millions of aspirants for the few thousand seats available!

The girl was confident enough to get a good rank in NEET exam..She wrote it and waited for the results. unfortunately the result was not in her favour.Her rank was pathetic!

She was engulfed in despair and felt herself worthless..Yes,she ended her life by hanging herself..She is no more!


Source : https://goo.gl/ZkqAT1

This is not a unique incident.The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide, which represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds! The reasons varies but the result remains the same - Engulfed in despair!

She was just 17,she hadn't even started living her life..She was the only daughter to her parents!

One thing for sure that prompts many to do this deed is narrow mindedness.Having a limited knowledge and thinking from the niche they think is the entire word is the major reason for the sudden fall!

What I would like to suggest you to follow is, gather as much knowledge as possible..Look around you,know the world!

There are millions of people in various countries starving to death.Malnutrition and epidemics don't seem to leave them alone!
If you are one with two hands,two legs,eyes,nose,ears,skin - you are perfect! A large number of people are born blind and living their whole life blissfully! There are war-torn areas on this planet,In many places terror attacks take away scores of innocent lives! There are natural calamities that frequently Hits some areas and devastating everything!

You the one who reads this is fortunate! Whatever your state of being maybe..If you don't realise that your condition is far superior than that of millions, if not billions,you are in a desperate condition to revisit your perception.


Source : https://goo.gl/1ut1uE

A single moment's weirdest thought is more than enough to kill oneself.There is no weapon mightier than the human thoughts..It is your thoughts that has to be purified.A broad mind will help you achieve this.Remain a curious student until you breath your last!

Don't be confined within a self imposed prison.Come out of that.The world is vast,bigger, beautiful and you are here to enjoy every bit of it.Live your life the way you love!

If you have the courage to end your life,stop for a moment,You don't need to have that much of courage to continue your life

(Picture sources : pixabay and pinterest)

A original post by : @sathyasankar

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