Positive Reflections: 5 Fundamental Truths To Live By

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I am already in mid-fifties and so I am very much aware that I am in the second half of my life. I intend to make the second half of my life better than my first half. Regardless of whether you are in your first or second half of your life, these fundamental truths can help to lead a happier and more fulfilled live.

1. Let Go Off The Regrets of Yesterday, Embrace The Uncertainties Of Tomorrow And Be Fully Present Today

This fundamental truth can help us to truly enjoy the present as well as to savour these moment to moment experiences. We can't change our past, we can only move forward the lessons learnt from the mistakes we made in the past. We can only act in the present and by doing so we can change our tomorrow. So despite our busy routine, do take the time today to smell the roses.

2. It Is Not What Happens To Us But How We Respond That Is More Important

The events and things that happen in our lives are beyond our control. We cannot dictate what life throws at us. However how we choose to respond to these events is fully within our control. If we are able to response in a positive manner we can turn what is basically a negative event into a blessing. As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining.

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3. We Do Not Need To Have All The Answers

I really wished that I had known this fundamental truth earlier in my life. When we step out of our comfort zone, we are in unknown territory. A lot of time we feel that we need to have all the answers before we undertake something new. And because we do not have the answers, the fear of the unknown has stopped us from taking action. In our journey of life, we need to be clear of our destination. However do not expect the route to be clearly marked out for us. As long as we know what the next step is, we are able to move forward. Once we have taken the first step, the second step will become more clear to us. Please remember that there is nothing wrong to ask for help if we are unsure what step to take next.

4. Focus On The Opportunity Not On The Challenges

In order to be successful we need to be able to leverage on the opportunities that come our way. The problem arises if we put our attention on the challenges rather than the opportunity. If we focus on the challenges, these challenges may seem insurmountable, almost impossible to overcome and the opportunity may seem diminished and not worth our effort. However if our focus is on the opportunity instead, the challenges seem to have diminished and we become more confident of overcoming these challenges.

I have experienced this first hand when Roselind and I tried to set up facilities for persons with autism. If we were to look at the challenges ahead of us, it seems like an impossible tasks. At that time, facilities for persons with autism were non-existence, our knowledge of autism was minimal and we have no resources (financial or skilled manpower). But because our focus was on providing facilities for Jonathan my autistic son and others like him, we were able to overcome these challenges.

5. Loving And Accepting Our Selves

This is one truth that we often missed as we become too busy trying to impress others with our success, our status and our worldly possession. In the age of the social media, sometimes we even get upset when what we posted did not get enough likes or comments. We did not realize that the validation of who are, our self worth and self-esteem comes from within and not from outside. If we are able to love ourselves and accept ourselves for who we truly are, warts and all, our self-worth and self-esteem will be high while at the same time we can remain humble and not allow our ego to get in our way.

It is also counter-productive to compare ourselves with others. We all have our own journeys, our own cross to carry and so instead of comparing why not show a little kindness instead.

So what do you think of the fundamental truths that I have shared. Do you have any other truths that you liked to share with us?

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Do check out my previous posts.
Samalaju Resort: An Oasis In An Industrial Park
Daily Food Challenge: 4-Course Western Dinner
Daily Food Photography: Japanese Set Lunch
Positive Reflections: Making Integrity A Way Of Life

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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