Andreas Antonopoulos teaches about ponzi schemes CAVEAT EMPTOR

I admit that i have watched a lot of smart people publicly speaking, and lately I stumbled at Anreas Antonopouloses videos. This guy is really funny, mainly becouse he's so brutally honest.

If you didn't know, Andreas will teach you that the way to learn of ponzi schemes is t get burned. You have to learn the hard way. Thats so rare in the world today! We can warn people about scams and schemes, but the only way to really learn is to lose money on them. So with experience we learn.

The ending is so brilliant that i had to write it down

"Caveat Emptor, buyer be aware"
"there are scams out there, we will not catch them until they have done enormous damage"
"you will lose your money, be careful"

"the stock market, is a pyramid scheme"
"the bond market, is a pyramid scheme"
"the automobile loan market, is a pyramid scheme"
"the student loan market is one of the biggest pyramid schemes we have ever built and all of them are going to crash"
"as are many of the altcoins and ICOs"
"and the only way to help investors is to let them make that mistake, take full responsibility for that mistake and lose all of the money they have put in. Yes, punish the people who did it afterwards, but you can't save people from their own stupidity and when you try you make them stupider

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