Do polyglots dream of multilingual conversations?

I wanted to write some posts under the #polyglot tag for some time, but since I can't claim to be a polyglot (I am bilingual at best) it took a little bit of naive arrogance to come up with something that I have spoken to many polyglots about for a post.

As you can see from the title, I find the dreams of polyglots to be very fascinating. I don't recall my dreams with a high degree of clarity, but since I don't normally find myself in daily situations where I am required to use more than one language at a time, it has never been my impression that I dream in more than one language very often.

However, I wonder if this is the case for polyglots? Do they dream in more than one language, and if so how do the different languages weave themselves into the conversations of the dream? Do they find themselves simply thinking in more than one language? Do they speak in more than one language? Does the pattern of language usage reflect their normal daily routines or is it even more fantastical because it is in a dream?

What about people who also know sign language (and perhaps even more than one sign language?) and can combine different sign languages with spoken languages?

I think polyglots play an important role in helping to connect the different communities on Steemit together. Right now it is predominantly an English-based platform, but projects like really help to bridge some of the gaps, and there are many authors writing in more than one language to help share the contents to a wider audience.

If you are a polyglot and love to post in more than one language, it would be great to see the #polyglot tag used more often so we can enjoy the rich diversity in content and language here on Steemit. I hope @wentong-syhhae and @donovanpage are reading this post and might provide us with some answers in the comments section.

P.S. If there's anyone out there that have been to a multilingual Toastmasters meeting please let me know. I'd love to find out more about it :)

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