Polyamory & film production...My Steemit Self Introduction...

Hey everyone,

I am a Film Maker in Red Deer, Alberta Canada. I recently finished filming my first feature and played it for a small group of people who were involved in the production as well as their friends and family. I have a few more productions in mind so I'll be looking for people to get involved in those as I go forward. If you have an interest in film production, being involved in film, or even stage acting (I am also heavily involved in local theatre) then follow me and Upvote when you see something that catches your interest.

I am also (as my title states) Polyamorous, Aka - I believe in open relationships because I just love people, and cannot understand why we need to choose one person to be glued to forever when there are so many amazingly interesting people in the world. So from time to time I'll be posting about that stuff too. If you are fascinated by odd relationships feel free to follow me for that and upvote the interesting things that come from it.

Also I am daytrading crypto-currencies and already making a killing, so I'll probably post what I'm up to in that regard too.

Have a fantastic day y'all!
Jason Steele

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