Hungary Prime Minister -- "Soros Mafia Network and EU Trying to Muslimize Europe"



Hungary's Prime Minister does not spare any words in his opinion of what is happening with the organized massive immigration flow into EU countries.

On Saturday, he called our Soros and EU for their goal of created a Muslimized mixed Europe. During a speech in Romania, Hungary's PM Orban said that Hungary and other will continue to "resist" this EU-Soros effort. Orban continue on criticizing Brussels by saying "this is against the will of the people". "In order for Europe to live, it needs to take back its sovereignty from the Soros Empire".

In my opinion, Orban is a leader standing up for his country. He is a leader who is not compromised or beholden to "a Globalist Agenda".
In order for the Globalist agenda to suceed, they need to take away the sovereignty of each country. To make it so bad so that people reach out for a solution. This is clearly an agenda, Soros is doing the bidding of the Globalist Puppet Masters who are always hidden.
They are the ones who seek control, they are the ones that promote many agendas including "transhumanism" (mixing of man and macahine). The agendas are in front of our eyes to see. Do you think the discussion and implementation of AI and robots is by chance?

Let me ask -- all you people that say EU needs immigration for it's falling demographics and work population, why is that even important when we see in 10-20 years that 20-30%+ of the jobs will be gone? You can't have it both ways.

Bravo for Orban.


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