Poloniex is Down Amidst Rumors of Insolvency and New ToS

Poloniex has recently gone offline, whether it's a DDoS or other issue, is not known.


In recent days, stories have surfaced online about insolvency at Poloniex as the reason for low quality and time-delayed support. Whether this is true or not is not confirmed, but people are upset over being hacked and make claims.

Some say they are having trouble with an increase in demand these past few months. But they are not being transparent about their issues with their own user-base and customers.

One major recent change has been to the Terms of Service, where they say all users trading on the platform waive their right to participate in a class action lawsuit. This type of ToS is common in many places, even in some crypto markets, but with Poloniex adding it, it just fuels the fire and rumors about it's troubles and shady behavior.

What do you think is going on with Poloniex? Will it be back, or are they taking their customer's money and running? :P

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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