Guidelines for making a successful dictatorial government

For success in controlling a whole people and making a pure dictatorial government, you must follow these simple steps and be sure to succeed:

_The first thing you have to do is have a ministry of education that kills everything inside children and maintains only the names of kids in order to called them in case of need. and the school curriculum does not have to include a word of freedom or something called opposition

_You must be smart in writing and using the law,
the law must be a way to make the people afraid of the government, .. not to make the government afraid of the law.

_Having a ministry interested in culture and art, which produces stupid newspapers full of sports and crime news, and writing bad novels, pornographic movies, and composing a mechanical linguistic dictionary devoid of emotions and creativity.

– It is not desirable for the public to have a strong political consciousness, all that is required of them is a primitive national to persuade them to accept longer working hours
and when they have a feeling of discontent with the government, you should not be worried about them because they live without general principles that make they focused their anger on special and low-priority grievances, the major dangers not attracting their attention.....

– If you want keep your government to continue ,the ignorance and poverty must continue too ,because the existence of awareness in the lower social strata of the people will push them to remove the dominant minority.

_The continued dominance of the government happen when it is in a state of partial war, it is not important to be a winner or a loser. the important thing is that the government exploit it to keep enough support by the people

_There are four ways to end similar dictatorial governments, Either dropping it by third party, or by the revolution internally, Or the emergence of a strong middle class, or loss of trust to governments.
So you should always exclude these four possibilities.......

....................................I wish you success to becoming a dictator.

image by pixabay

I'm sorry for some spelling mistakes. I'm trying to convey the idea to you in a beautiful way.

I hope you support me....

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