Net neutrality protests at Verizon today

There are protests planned at over 700 Verizon stores today nationwide, for the fight against ending net neutrality. I'm going to my local Verizon store today around 5PM EST. I urge all of you to participate, as ending net neutrality will affect us all, and we cannot allow them to end it. If they get away with doing this, how many more things will they be able to change? We all need to stand up and voice our opinions. If you can't make it to the protest, you can still write a letter to congress, everything helps! We all need to wake up, get off our phones and video games, and join the fight! They are slowly trying to take away our freedoms and we can't let this happen.

To sign up for the protest, go here:
Sign up quick! We are running out of time!

To write a letter to congress, visit the link below:

To find out more information about net neutrality, go here:

Or watch these videos

Please restreem this so others know! This is important for all of us!


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