Running for President

Privatize FDA, Voluntary certification, Right to try & Use any drug
Open VA (renamed Health Administration) to all Citizens [gone if I do not get Transhumanist Party Nomination], Medicare and Medicaid
Form Federal Medical Licensing Board, national license, non-AMA, no doctors in decision making or certification.
Sell all foreign bases and material to host countries
Return all US personnel to US except for embassy protection
Reduce to Cadre force
All bases except Quantico returned to state National Guards
2 Carrier group Navy
under coast guard
Extra ships paid off or assigned to National Guards
100% nuclear
Assign subs to State National Guards
UBI as high as funding can bear [gone if I do not get Transhumanist party nomination]
Abolish Minimum wage
Privatize Dept. of Education as voluntary organization
Create Voluntary Hostel program - Local Not-for-profits trusts - Federal program provides building after funding demonstrated - Overnight stays, 3 meals/day, not permanent housing - Concept: maintenance not dignity, self-select for work or health care fastest
Citizenship to all Demonstrated Sentients
Privatize National Parks individually - 1 share to each visitor from last year - 1 share to each person within 100 miles - 1 share per company with location within 100 miles
EPA, NRC, etc to 1980 level immediately
CPI, Unemployment, etc. to use 1930 Calcs again, and rework previous years if possible for consistent Statistics
End Regressive SS Tax (-$1.1T)
Abolish income tax (-$1.4T)
Party point, counter-productive with UBI
Abolish all tariffs (-$0.04T)
Fund government through a profits fee on corporations (+$2.6T, ~5x) [assumes no downsizing]
Allow full deduction for health research
Allow full deduction for automation research
Cease all Government funding for research
Military to 10% (+$0.5T)
½ surplus to Debt reduction, ½ to UBI

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