Sweden Under Pressure to Adopt Islamic National Flag

A petition asking Sweden’s prime minister to do away with the current, “offensive” flag is nearing its signature goal as the campaign’s hashtag #ForBetterSweden continues to trend on Twitter.

“The Swedish flag is a constant reminder of our dark and oppressive past,” the petition reads. “Refugees and migrants are forced to live under its Christian Cross; a symbol of the Crusades and the slaughter of millions of innocent Islamic lives in Sweden’s past that makes them feel unwelcome and unsafe.”

I hope this is some kind of joke someone on 4chan is pulling but it's so hard to tell now with all the mental illness going on in the minds of the left. Wasn't the Crusades Started because Muslims were invading Christian and Jewish countries slaughtering every non-muslim? People that say the crusades are an example of the evils of Christianity need to take another look at history because a large part of the middle east was Christians before muslim invaders conquered it and the Crusaders were merely just trying to defend the lands of other Christians. The Muslims were the 'bad guys' during the crusades but liberals/socialist always try to change history so it supports their agenda and that same craziness is being applied here to the Swedish flag.

Link to the petition: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Prime_Minister_of_Sweden_Stefan_Lofven_To_the_Swedish_government_Please_consider_changing_offensive_national_flag/?coKfBhb

Source: https://www.infowars.com/sweden-under-pressure-to-adopt-islamic-national-flag/

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