The Ancient Greeks Speak on Trump

In humanity's first democracy, that of Athens in the fifth century BC, the role of the media fell to the playwrights. Aristophanes was the Greeks' Woodward and Bernstein. In his "Lysistrata" he issued a damning statement against the Peloponnesian War by inciting women to withhold sex from military men until the end of the war. In "The Clouds" he lampooned Socrates as an intellectually flighty buffoon. This caricature was substantial enough to be used against Socrates in his infamous trial and subsequent execution.

These are lessons for the here and now; the hard truth in Trump's condemnation of the press as the "enemy of the people" is that the press's role in this case should well be adversarial; just toward the state, not the people. The media can and is and will stand up for itself!

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