Why promoting your own culture makes you racist

I am a South African, In my country racial tension are far from over.

As a South African, if I were to promote my own race. I would be flagged as racist immediately. To me this is just. This law is really great. No problem with it. What I do not agree with is that other races are allowed to promote their race openly without any troubles.

*Hate me if you like for this post, but I will speak the truth... *

I never refer to myself as white, or a white man. Because the moment I do I become racist. When you boast or promote your own race or appearance without realizing it you are immediately discriminating anyone who is different.

Now let us say I ran a campaign: "Buy white" or "support white businesses" or "We only do business with White owned businesses". It would be ridiculous right? I'm not allowed to say it. Yet in South Africa I have seen people milk these phrases in their favor. No matter how you try and sugar coat it, these practices are racist.

It does not mean that we do not require correctional practices enforced by government. It does not mean that the past should be forgotten or erased. We should however be very careful when enforcing double standards on society.

You cannot have different standards on people based on their physical appearance. You cannot say one person needs 90% to study and another only 70%. You cannot say you have to hire one person based on physical appearance if theres another whose far more suited and qualified for the job.

Rather promote the notion to support local, or your area of residence. Support the poor communities. Get involved, change lives. But to actively promote your own race to me is racist.

In South Africa, this is our problem:

"Man punches car guard over misunderstanding"

News Reads:
"White man punches Black man"

In SA, racism sells. And that is why the cultures are moving further away from each other. That is why the problems will get worse long before it gets better. Because most people only want racism to go away when it suits them.

I do not often post about racism, because I see good and bad in all people.

But I do feel that as everyone who wants to see the world living in harmony, has to speak out at some stage.

I believe in what Morgan Freeman said:

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