The Government Cycle


The natural state of human society is anarchy. From the chaos of anarchy, rises a strong monarchical ruler to restore order. That strong king rules successfully for some time but is succeeded by weaker kings. The monarchy is then overtaken by an oligarchy led by aristocrats who are stronger and more savvy. This oligarchy is successful for some time until the oligarchy deteriorates due to weaker and less competent aristocrats gaining power. That leads to a populist uprising to overthrow the oligarchy, which can happen one of two ways: 1) electing a new strong monarch to take power, or 2) returning to anarchy (which will later require a strong leader to take power and restore order)... until the cycle repeats: anarchy to monarchy to oligarchy to anarchy to monarchy, etc... The same cycle is repeated in microcosms of other aspects of life: countries, corporations, organizations, or any type of group of humans.

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