'We The People' of the Earth.. empower Donald Trump.. to drain the swamp in washington.. and pull the nazi stumps!

9,000 Sealed Indictments!

Fight Like Ike..

In the 1950's President Eisenhower asked the men running area 51 what they were up to; he was basically told that the project was 'top secret beyond his clearance'.

So Ike sent them a message explaining that.. If he didn't get a full report within the week, He would take command of the 1st Army and invade area 51.

The President was immediately granted full access to area 51.

We sent Trump to sweep the swamp,
the mandate that he carries,
they might control the banking world,
but he commands our military.

Incarcerate these global ghouls
that waste so many lives,
centuries of slavery,
yet slavery survives.

Imprisoned population,
of apathy and lies,
where innocence is tortured,
and evil is disguised.

Arrest the oligarghoul-philes..
the Army's your command,
they're tired of serving monsters,
they are fathers, sons, and friends.

Restore the Magna Carta.
Bring freedom back to life.
Enforce the Constitution.
Bring back the Bill of Rights.

Stop these oligarghouls,
you know now who they are,
their crimes go on for decades,
their greed has gone too far.

Sweep the 'fakes' from 4th estate,
and free the human race,
this Earth can be a Paradise,
once we have escaped.

Don't tell us it's not possible,
we know it can't be done
by ordinary human men..
That's why we sent The Trump!

Army's fed up with sick brass.
The Navy knows their reasons.
The Air force will fly up their ass.
Marines object to treason!

Our sons know evil by its stink
love their freedom, die to save it,
will kill an order to harm us,
and arrest whoever gave it.

Complete Novel Poem @ https://steemit.com/politics/@think500/trumping-the-oligarghouls-harvesting-the-human-race-a-novel-poem


More by think500.. life in every verse.

3rd Planet

Van Gogh's Landlady...and Teaching Mediocrity

Space Case of this Black Lit Sea (and life's entangled energies)

True Tale of Cosmic Contact (ultimately incredible)

hard 'Grande River' robbing 1883 (winter)

Elemental Poetry Aspects - thoughts anew, sings true, words are few, some humor too

Dwelling In Barbaric Times

Ode to Woman

Meaning of Life Question?.. exposed as 'transcendental semantics' (turns out.. life brings its own)

Dry Rain

The early brutal 'Santa Claus?' debunking confirmation

Human Harvest Hood (transparent womb)

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