The Ideal Rationalist Party

The best political balance that I can ever imagine coming to exist is a blend of ideas that make sense between socialism, capitalism, and nationalism, in order to create a more approximate to perfection political ideology in the eyes of Rationalism.

Consequently, I'm going to divide these ideas which in a logical view are beneficent for a perfect policy and philosophy in these systems, regardless of that there are some elements from other systems which are important too:

  • From Socialism, the state should benefit from the ideas and investments of free progress, technology, and scientific research to get a better knowledge and improve the artificial functioning of the world around us. The state should also have no Religion Community influencing politics and also not letting any minor religion extorting the money from a blind population behind a false and dishonest "Faith" that if given any political power, would slow down human evolution and create war scenarios as it always did.
    Intensifying control and social regulations on Corporations to prevent exploiting workers which creates the proletariat. Also, promoting state actions in all private companies in order to gain more authority and avoid the said holdings and financial fraud.
    Supporting the aerospace propagation and investment, but always controlled by the state to prevent territorial rebellion or any possible colonialist craving.
    Strongly investing in public schools in order for students and teachers to have better conditions (although decreasing the use of private schools, a lightweight division through classes with students more gifted and that obviously have a more prosperous future should exist).
    Promote optional copyleft idea in Industry where small and medium-sized enterprises are exempt from this optional advertisement.
    Guarantee some control and owning significantly some prime industries, so the country has a harmonious balance, and it get's harder for corporations to "play" with the nation's power.

  • From Capitalism, the nation should take advantage of the private support and investment, even if borrowed or with actions from the state, for small and medium enterprises, not forgetting the cooperation that large companies can do by commercial means, sponsorships and mutual aid protocols.
    Let companies make free exports but little imports, by making less production and distribution competition on national products.
    Incentivate all companies to produce national products and distribute them nationally. By lowering corporate taxes, it becomes possible to open more jobs for citizens. The private competitivity is important to make the national economy improving, upgrading and evolving.

  • Yet from Nationalism, if it doesn't exist, the Nation should increment a division or highly specialized information police to fight drugs, the black market and internal government corruption and in any state enterprise. These services would be allowed to fight and infiltrate criminal communities or ones suspected of being so. They would also have a qualified secret information, police combat, and anti-terrorism training.
    Maintaining national defense is also very important, even more, today, when we constantly receive threats from other religions and countries which are in constant conflict.
    The state should strongly invest in national agriculture in order to be a more autonomous country with a great quality fresh products, both in the search for resources in the national territory as support for the creation of companies and also for the protection of personnel working in this sector.
    With no exaggeration to prevent fascism, but it's important to keep some moral values that contain traces of conservative concepts so as to protect society, especially the youth. Provide a more accurate and assertive education, better organization and teachings is the best way to keep society clean of crime, financial obstructions, and Heath cliff. Preparing them for the reality of life and actually realize what is good and bad can bring families in the future, more welfare and a greater moral and monetary stability.
    The less the drugs and similar influences youth witnesses, the lower the risk of people becoming addicted and get future health problems that also risk the nation's livelihood. After all, we are a whole, we shouldn't be selfish to the point of ignoring our country and families, as if health is concerned, who posthumously suffers are the relatives. Promoting the gradual withdrawal of tobacco for it being a huge pay cut of citizens and thus contributing to further limit the national economy. The state already pays to wean and recover addicts, which are the taxpayers.

  • From Environmentalism, the state should create some laws for crimes committed against animals and flora. Supporting and improving the laws that defend the ecosystem, such as designing a rule for all cities dispose of at least one green zone from "x" to "x" km.
    The nation should strongly support the research and propagation of renewable energies so that pollution is reduced more rapidly. We also should better investigate the Global Warming, this being yet a questionable case, because there are excellent arguments and fundaments from both sides, so every country should make its own research from state labs only to prevent mass economic and social corruption. Increasing control of the pollution that is released on the seas, wherein not only affects the animals but also the human being itself, being one of the most dangerous risks is Mercury. The government should also prohibit the act of throwing away food in catering, hotels and trade establishments which in health terms are still consumable.
    Perform advertising for:
    .- Sharing no longer used goods;
    .- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle;

In short, from my point of view, these resumed ideas would be an enormous socioeconomic improvement that encompasses most of the problems that humanity has. I consider corruption, the black market, degenerative healthcare systems and a lack of education some of the biggest problems that our economy witnesses. Degeneration is what we need to eliminate, for our own protection and healthiness. Dogmatism and blind singular empiricism already proved that fall in wars in the majority of the times for non-sense.

Stopping minor extremist and vandal groups that victimize themselves. Always asking for the freedom and equality they already have and actually acting as reverse Racist non-diplomatic groups. They talk about democracy, but what they actually do is a revolution and attempts, debauchery, imposing opinions while censoring with political investments in public enterprises, publishing journalist lies, and threats of coups d'etat.


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