A Bipartisan Argument: The Loss of Respect in the Political Arena

Hey Steemit, it's the middle of the night and I'm wide awake thinking about politics, of all things.

Democrats and Republicans
Liberals and Conservatives
Left-Wing and Right-Wing
Radical, Progressive, Capitalist, Socialist, Independent, and the list goes on...

America is split so many ways ideologically, thanks to our right to think freely.

And that is good.

But today's politicians and political activists have crossed a line. We have moved past the time where those of different lines of thought could still communicate respectfully, and even, God forbid, be friendly. And no, you can't pin it on any one party. Regardless of differing political beliefs, all sides must seek a cleanse in rhetoric. Here are a few notable examples of political insults between politicians:

President Trump on Carly Fiorina, "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"

Joe Biden on President Trump, "They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him,'"

John Boehner on Ted Cruz, "Lucifer in the flesh."

Now, as far as political activists go, it gets even uglier. I have one primary example for you.

Cue Baby Trump...

What is there to say? I can only ask, "What does this accomplish?" This does not refute Trump's arguments. This does not nullify his statement or beliefs. This does not change the plans he has implemented. This does not encourage conflict resolution. Politics should not be about waging war, but about solving societal problems. That cannot be done when hurtful insults and demeaning rhetoric are being thrown around like confetti at a birthday party.

Confession, this is not the most well-written post. I don't have as many points or examples as should be included. I wasn't skilfully articulate. I'm only running on the few brain cells still left functioning at 3:00 AM. But my point isn't hard to see and all I'm doing is providing a call to action. I'm asking that you start being aware of disrespect in others' rhetoric and also in your own. Be an example and take the high road no matter what side of the aisle you may identify with.

-Jacob Butler

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