Jimmy Dore Got Owned Again

During the 2016 election, I was a Bernie Bro who voted for Stein in a blue state, but I understood the importance of Hillary winning the general election. For a while, I was on the "never Hillary" bandwagon because I believed she was a bad standard-bearer for the Democrats and allowed our side to be dragged toward neo-liberalism, and eventually a right-wing dystopia. I was very sympathetic to Jimmy Dore's arguments until I heard him debate Sam Seder. It was an embarrassing performance by Jimmy, and he withdrew to his bunker, aka his YouTube channel. After saying he would have Sam on his show, he ignored him and acted like the debate never happened. But it did happen and a nebulous line was drawn in the sand.

Are you a Sam Seder fuckboy or are you a Jimmy Dore-on? I fall into the fuckboy camp.

If you haven't seen the debate by now, you should definitely check it out.

Sam Seder vs Jimmy Dore

Jimmy just got owned again and this time it was Cenk Uygur who called him out. Although it was somewhat lighthearted on Cenk's part, it does show how myopic Jimmy Dore is when it comes to politics.

Jimmy Vs Cenk

I stopped watching TYT because I couldn't stand Jimmy's constant references to Hillary Clinton and the 2016 primary. His positions during the primary would be great today if Hillary were in charge, but he doesn't want to admit he was wrong, and Trump is worse. Jimmy Dore would be so much cooler right now if Hillary had won the election. He could still be a rebel, he could still be fighting the DNC, and he could still be pushing for left-wing policies instead of fighting like hell to keep the status quo.

I suggest that anyone who watches Jimmy Dore stop doing so immediately. People get predictions wrong, but when they get called out for being wrong, they should own up to it.

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