Democracy VS Autocracy

One story reminded me of this. Democracy is a common word and considered the right way now, while autocracy is mostly being hated around the world.


I have been thinking why so and what exactly are these?

In some way with my experience of life till now, I feel that democracy is nothing but a flavor of autocracy where power is still with specific powerful people but not just with a single one. There are people who always remain in power (many criminals) and share the power with others like them and so it is more successful way to rule.

No one actually fears poor, all they are worried about is other powerful guys. And in democracy they share the power either as same group, or as alternate group turn by turn.
Whatever comes in their way gets crushed. Different groups may appear standing opposite to each other, but they scratch each other's back for their own survival.

Public accepts it since they go through a formality of voting rights, but this all is a well defined channel which is controlled and molded by joint impact of below factors.

  1. Media
  2. Psychology
  3. Crime
  4. Money
  5. Sympathy

The group which can keeps maximum balance among above wins and rules. While public still thinks they won but they do not, and never does.

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