Unapologetic American Propaganda:(Part 3) The Meaning Of the 2nd Amendment And the Importance of arms Escalation.

Let me Begin this piece by stating the second Amendment of The bill of Rights

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This is singularly among the most important amendments ever stated on law for any country in the history of the world.
Other parts of the world have clearly suffered from not having sufficient weapons to protect themselves from many times hostile political parties within their own government. The Jewish population in Nazi Germany to untold countless more from communist China.

An Argument from the Left wing of our modern day is that when The founders wrote this they only had black powder muskets with very long reload times in mind. I will show you firearm inventions of the time that prove that in 1776 the founders were well aware of the direction of how fire rates compared to time would increase.

This Flint lock Pistol of the revolutionary Era was designed with a sliding chamber that would could be primed with more shots than a standard revolver.

An earlier version of the Gatling gun this was mounted and fired on the shoulders of its user.

A "well regulated" Militia is a key part of the statement that is Second amendment. A militia that relied on only one weapon design is not regulated, how can it be if at the time of war with Britain, American rebels where modifying and innovating these new firearm designs and using help from French Mercenary Fighters on the American side, and German mercenaries known as the Hessian on the British side.

After The Revolutionary War ended, other wars did not, Fire arm technology naturaly progressed with the other wars throughout history America stayed at war.

The 1st great War or World War 1 found American Arms well up to par if not dominant to other designs

World War 2 saw even more innovation. The worlds first war Drone and Nuclear weapons of great destruction. The Military Industrial Complex the had grown out of Americas Armed Forces invested unfathomable amounts of money into inventing new weapons. A surge of violent crime after the 1950's peaking in the 1970's and a federal government attempted its first Gun-Control Laws on its citizens in which the second amendment applies.

Today we are always threatened by State Laws over Federal laws in more democratic liberal states, Banning A R 15 riffles today from being sold would only create an arms race among American Citizens and local police forces. Law abiding Citizens will suffer from the restrictions while criminals will continue to break the law. Drones are a new and more modern addition to automatic weapons. Propping a rifle on tracks, wheels or flying propellers. I want to know of other peoples' stance on this subject.

My questions are.
If my government has flying Predator drones am I allowed to develop my own four motored assault riffles mounted ground traversing drone ?. If you answered no to my first question. Where is the line of legal escalation not alright anymore ?

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