Reddit Politics Summary Sunday Dec 24th 17

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This is a digest of the top posts on reddit/r/politics over the last 24 hours.
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Trump told friends at Mar-a-Lago 'you all just got a lot richer' after tax bill passed: report

(52619) (comments)

Trump attacks 'fake polls and fake news' as reports say he has worst approval rating in modern history

(8445) (comments)

  • It said that dating the way back to President Harry Truman in 1945, at Day 337 of their first term every president had an approval rating at least ten percentage points better than where Mr Trump stands now at the same point.
  • However, Mr Trump’s ability to press through a tax overhaul bill likely help cement his support among traditional Republicans, especially fiscal conservatives who believe the government should reduce its spending on welfare programmes such as Medicare and Mecicaid. His endorsement of religious conservative Roy Moore in Alabama, despite the candidate facing widespread allegations of sexual abuse of girls and young women - allegations he has denied - may help bolster his support among the religious right.
  • A total of eight per cent said they would support a different candidate, a reflection perhaps of her failure to defeat Mr Trump in a contest in which most pundits had made her the favourite.

Sanders: Trump should stop 'bragging' about Americans losing health insurance

(4610) (comments)

Trump Rallies Full of ‘older White Men’ Suggests Republicans Are a ‘dying Party,’ GOP Senator Says

(3444) (comments)

  • He suggested Sunday that his party cannot rely on the agenda of the current president if it is to succeed across an increasingly diverse country, suggesting it could cost it control of the Senate in 2018.
  • As his rating has shrunk to less than 40 percent, he has seemingly put an increasing focus on energizing his base rather than appealing to larger swathes of the population.
  • Earlier this month, Trump joined with his former chief strategist Steve Bannon, who once called the publication he ran Breitbart News as "the platform for the alt-right," to support Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Trump’s Credibility Is So Low That Americans Don’t Believe They’re Getting A Tax Cut

(2788) (comments)

Ex-ethics chief rips Trump as 'wannabe autocrat' for sharing image 'depicting CNN's blood on the sole of his shoe'

(2136) (comments)

Trump is celebrating Christmas Eve by tweeting conspiracy theories and hinting at an FBI purge

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  • "The president believes the American people have a right to know as to what happened in that investigation." He explains the conspiracy theory about campaign donations from the Clintons to McCabe’s wife, which has been debunked, as a way to claim that the current Russia investigation is politically motivated.

Flake: Trump rallies 'spasms of a dying party'

(1649) (comments)

  • "The last thing we need is to push that ultranationalist, ethno-nationalist, protectionist kind of element of the party. That's not good for us," Flake said.

Trump Cost Taxpayers Tens Of Millions Visiting His Own Properties In 2017

(1291) (comments)

  • According to NBC News, he has visited one of his properties, most of which are golf resorts, on 109 days this year — nearly one-third of his presidency so far.
  • Trump’s statement to friends on Friday describes one of the biggest effects of the tax legislation; the bill primarily advantages those at the top of the income scale while many middle- and low-income Americans will see their tax bills increase by 2027.
  • But nonpartisan tax analysts have found that the top 20 percent — and, specifically, the top 0.1 percent — will benefit most from the legislation, the first major bill Trump has signed into law since becoming president in January. The president has claimed that the tax bill does not benefit the richest Americans, like many Mar-a-Lago members, saying that he has many rich friends who are "not so happy" with him over the law.

Extreme poverty returns to America

(1191) (comments)

  • His team visited Alabama, California, Puerto Rico, West Virginia and Washington, D.C. The findings, released last Friday, documented homelessness, unsafe sanitation and sewage disposal practices, as well as police surveillance, criminalization and harassment of the poor.
  • This has never been a country free of inequality and poverty, but their rapid growth over the past two decades has undermined any professed commitment to equal opportunity or the belief that the nation’s prosperity rests on the well-being of ordinary Americans.
  • While the welfare state primarily benefited and bolstered the white middle class with housing and education assistance, it also uplifted many of the poor through Social Security for the elderly, monthly stipends for single mothers and the disabled, and a minimum wage for workers. Because of massive grass-roots protest, politicians and business leaders came to believe that capitalism would function better — in fact, flourish — if Americans could be assured a basic standard of living.
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